Monday, January 31, 2011


Hello Ladies!
Hope you are having a fabulous day!

Paige Kohler(of jump roping fame)'s awesome play is TONIGHT!
(and tomorrow night, and the night after)

*not a real picture of Paige

What: The Crucible (a play)

Where: Hillcrest Performing Arts Center

Monday, January 31
Tuesday, February 1
Wednesday, February 2
7:30 (doors open at 6:30)

Prices: $6/adult $4/student

The Crucible is about the Salem Witch Trials which took place in the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1692-1693.

Interestingly, Sarah Jessica Parker's 10th great-grandmother Esther Elwell was arrested during the Salem Witch Trials for committing "sundry acts of witchcraft" and choking a neighbor to death.

The Crucible was written as an allegory for McCarthyism (when the U.S. blacklisted suspected Communists - including many in the entertainment business).


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Remember that tonight is Stake Standards Night.  Meet at the church at 6:40 p.m. It is sunday dress.

Sat. Jan. 29th - Ward Youth Leadership Training.  Meet at the church at 7:30 a.m. for a yummy breakfast followed by training.  This will go until 10 or 11 a.m. and you can dress casually.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

**Congratulations to Kaia Jarnagin for placing at her gymnastics competition in Las Vegas earlier this month!

**Sabrina Workman has been called to represent our Stake at the 2012 regional youth conference!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Activities - Week of Jan. 17th

Tues. Jan. 18th - Meet at the church at 7 p.m.  and remember to dress warmly.  We will be delivering flyers for the stake food drive.
Sat. Jan. 22nd - 9 a.m. pick up food donations.  More info to follow on this.
Sun. Jan. 23rd - 6 p.m. practice for "We Believe" at the Stake Center.  We will be singing this at Standards Night.
Tues. Jan. 25th - Stake Standards Night - 7 p.m. at the Stake Center.
Sun. Jan. 30th - Camp Leadership Meeting at 7 p.m. in the YW room at the Stake Center.  All camp leaders and Youth Leaders should attend.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Tues. Jan. 11th - Baptisms for the dead - Meet at the church at 5:30 a.m. This will be our only opportunity to do baptisms for the dead as a group in January because the temple will be closed the rest of the month.

Tues. Jan. 11th - YW Combined - Meet at the church at 5:00 p.m. We will be going to Reflections of Christ at the Visitor Center.  Sis. Wilson will bring a second group at 5:30 p.m. for those who can't be there at 5.

Sat. Jan. 15th - EFY - Meet at the church at 8:15 a.m. to carpool to the Foothills Stake Center.  9-11 a.m.

Tues. Jan. 18th - YM/YW Combined - Meet at 7 p.m. to pass out flyers in the neighborhood for the Stake food drive.

Sat. Jan. 22nd - Food drive collections.  More info to follow later regarding this.

Good luck on finals this week!

Book of Mormon Challenge

The Young Women have challenged the Young Men to read the Book of Mormon for a minimum of 15 minutes each day.  The group with the lowest percentage of daily reading will have to plan and carry out the combined YM/YW activity for July.  Remember to mark your green chart as you read each day!