Wednesday, February 23, 2011

There is a picture over there -------------------->
in the sidebar under the heading "Piano Assignments". (I wanted you to be able to find it quickly and easily) Find out what and when you're playing! Let me know if you need help!

Ice Skating

On Tuesday we went ice skating at Tautphaus Park. It was really fun! Kiley, Maggie, Janae, Courtney, Kaia and Sadie, we missed you! (The pictures were taken by my cell phone - sorry they're not the best quality)

Demonstrating the popular technique of hugging the wall:

Taking a break

The whole group!

The bishop flies by so fast, he's just a blur on camera!

Thanks, YM, for planning such a fun activity!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We love you! And so does your Heavenly Father!

Just a reminder that TONIGHT is the Hillcrest High School Choir Concert.
Doors open at 6:30, the concert starts at 7:30.
Cost $2/person

Come hear Amy (Varsity Chorale), Maggie (Chorale), Katie, Janae, Paige, Amanda, Sadie, (Advanced Woman's Choir) Courtney, and Mykette (Woman's Chorus) rock out.

This concert is only popular music - you can expect to hear Beatles, Train, and Billy Joel, among many others.
Should be fun! See ya there!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Music Assignments

We are so blessed to have so many musically talented Young Women in our ward! We want to give everyone a chance to develop and share those talents. (Think Personal Progress!!) As some of you may know, we have decided to assign the opening hymns ahead of time so there is ample time for our lovely pianists to prepare.

The list (through May) is finished and will be provided on Sunday.

I am here to help you learn your hymns! Even if you can only play one hand at a time or a simplified version, PLEASE share your talents with us! If you need any help, please call me!

I also wanted to let you know of a wonderful resource if you are not familiar with it already. If you go to (there's also a link over in the sidebar) you can find many of the hymns online.

1. Go to
2. Click on Music
3. Click on Hymns (or Children's Songbook in the left hand column)

It should look like this: (sorry it's blurry)

4. Find your hymn by title or number. (It may take a minute to load)
It should open a window that looks like this:

  • In the left hand column there are several options of how to play the song: music with parts, words and music or music only. Auto scroll will show a line scrolling across the music as it plays so you can see how it lines up.
  • You can also control the tempo (how fast or slow the song plays) and volume.
  • Towards the bottom you will see a box labeled "Key".Here you can change the key of the song if the original key is not your cup of tea. (Ha! That rhymed!)The Key of C has no sharps or flats and you may find it to be the most comfortable to play in.When you do this, the song will reload in the new key. ***Caution: changing the key may cause the melody to be too high to comfortably sing. Anything above a D or an E above the C above middle C is a no-no.
  • Once you have changed the key, you can print it with the handy "Print" button in the left hand column

This is AWESOME because a hymn that was previously in a key with 3 flats now has none!

I recognize that this is a confusing post, so if you have any questions, please ask me!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Are His Daughter

For a little inspiration or pick-me-up, check out the following song... (big thanks to Sabrina for this suggestion!!)

The lyrics to I am His Daughter are:
The photos in the magazines
Don't dictate who I'm supposed to be
The world can't recognize, all that I am inside
But I know in His eyes, I am a part of, the bigger picture,

There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter.

The people on the TV screen,
The leaders, rulers, and queens
I watch them shape the world,
And though I'm just a girl, I still know for sure,
That I am a part of, the bigger picture

There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

And when I'm feeling small,
And wondering if I'll ever, find courage to stand tall
Through His love I remember

There's so much more to me
He helps me to see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

Food Drive Update

The YM/YW of Ammon Stake were able to collect over 6,200 items  (157 boxes!!) for local food banks in our food drive January 22, 2011.  Thanks for all of your hard work and willingness to serve those in our community!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Monday!

For mutual tomorrow night, we will most likely be playing Glow-In-The-Dark Volleyball as combined YW.
It might look something like this:

Hopefully nobody ends up like this:

Or we may be doing Zumba if we can find an instructor.

Which, I'm sure, will have us all looking like this by the end of the night:

Either way, good times are sure to be had by all!!
Be there or be square!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mutual Update

For those of you that missed it, on Tuesday we showed everyone how to access the blog (so if you missed it, you're probably not reading this...) and Personal Progress online. We hope you take advantage of these awesome new features and visit us every once in a while. If you have any questions on how to get setup, please ask one of us!

We are so technologically blessed! What would the pioneers think!?