Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sunrise Personal Progress Devotional

This was our view when we first arrived in the foothills overlooking the city on Tuesday morning.  Autumn was in the air that morning - the air was brisk!
The sun shining on all of your faces!  After some moving devotionals from the leaders on individual worth, divine nature, integrity and virtue, Sister Anderson presented a recommitment incentive for personal progress:  for each month between August and June, we commit to completing *2* personal progress experiences.  For those of you who have received your YW award or are really close, you will need to work on your honor bee award.

As evidence of our recommitment, we all signed our Banner and agreed to complete 2 experiences per month.  This winter, for those who have made it roughly halfway in the challenge, we will have a sleepover/party.  For those who endure to the end, we will take an overnight trip to Utah in June and see the Manti Pageant!  This will be amazing, but only those who make it through the entire challenge will get to go. Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is any way that we can help you along in this recommitment!

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